The GIT’s Da’wah Initiative represents another significant pillar of our work as we endeavour to share the beautiful Message of Islam with Guyanese at all strata of society.
Alhamdulillah, the Guyana Islamic Trust has once again completed another intense period of activities for Islam Awareness Week which was held from March 1-10, 2019. The numerous countrywide events have received overwhelming response from persons across Guyana.
IAW 2019 was held under the theme “Islam- Divine Guidance for Peace, Love and Harmony” and featured the dynamic presentations by our visiting Shuyookh, Sh. Mohammad Yaffa of Canada and Sh. Daud Abdul Haqq of the USA. The GIT wishes to also acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our resident Shuyookh, community leaders and hundreds of volunteers who have worked tirelessly in steering IAW to a resounding success, with the permission of Allah.
Apart from its ongoing Da’wah efforts, the GIT has been organizing Islam Awareness Week annually with the main aim of stimulating a positive national interest and awareness of Islam as a Divine, Unique and Complete System of Life. Thousands of persons have over the years became beneficiaries of this beautiful message and have followed the path towards obtaining the never-ending pleasure of their Creator.
Additionally, through the Department of Da’wah more initiatives are taken to adequately respond to the social, educational and mentorship needs of the New Muslims. TV program: Our weekly Television Magazine program- ‘GIT Perspectives’ continues to be a great source of enlightenment and inspiration for the Muslim and wider community.